Hexagram 20 — Kuan, Contemplation (View)

20. Kuan - Contemplation (View)
Above (in front): Sun - The Gentle (Wind)
Below (behind): K'un - The Receptive (Earth)

The Judgement for the Current Situation

Contemplation. The ablution has been made,
But not yet the offering.
Full of trust they look up to him.

The Image for the Current Situation

The wind blows over the earth:
The image of Contemplation.
Thus the kings of old visited the regions of the world,
Contemplated the people,
And gave them instruction.

The Lines

Please remember: I Ching lines are counted upwards (starting at the bottom line)!

Top line:

Contemplation of his life.
The superior man is without blame.

Fifth line:
Contemplation of my life.
The superior man is without blame.

Fourth line:
Contemplation of the light of the kingdom.
It furthers one to exert influence as the guest of a king.

Third line:
Contemplation of my life
Decides the choice
Between advance and retreat.

Second line:
Contemplation through the crack of the door.
Furthering for the perseverance of a woman.

Bottom line:
Boylike contemplation.
For an inferior man, no blame.
For a superior man, humiliation.